The following text is the testing file of the course PLP. /*** PLEASE DISCARD ME!!!! THANKS **/ I was a handsome guy when I was young. I always rode my duke to school and rode my girl friend to where she wanted to be. The time was so happy and I also had my lesson on my first girl. Jennifer, the 2nd girl friend of my life, is a charming lady. Jennifer's puppy I hated most also did not like me well. Her moral is "My wish is your command". This is the short romantic story of mine that I can say. ========= Floating points 123.456 1.2e5 Hexadecimal x3EF4 E-mail: Hexcode: 020110088AB04062001 TEL: (02)2882-1331 Hardcover: 500 pages Publisher: Addison Wesley (January 1, 1986) Language: English ISBN: 0201100886 Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.6 x 1.4 inches